White Paper | Acheiving Perfect Combustion

Efficiency is the main driver for building design today. In hot water systems, condensing heat exchanger technology is the new standard in facility installations. Much is known about the importance of reclaiming condensing flue gas heat before it is exhausted from the appliance, but how does the exchanger control the combustion to ensure the unit is condensing at an efficient rate? How does the unit know what is the correct mixing ratio to make the most efficient package? What controls need to be put in place to analyze the combustion so that the equipment can dynamically adjust to varying load conditions?

The truth is, there is no one answer to these questions, but many variables in technology leading to the same solution. The key is to ensure that the appliance can maintain its air/ fuel balance, without introducing an excess of one or the other for the entire range of appliance turndown. This can be done in one of two general ways, mechanically or electronically. Each has its advantages, but it is important to understand their differences and come to the realization that though approaching the equation differently, are balancing it to achieve the same result.

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